

BLOOM is a web-based, INOW integrated discipline tool that lets you easily monitor overall 
student behavior (positive & negative) & responses. BLOOM provides teachers & administrators

with holistic, individualized student profiles to ensure that each student is given the highest 
quality personalized attention from your school system.


Quickly & Easily Identify
Behavioural Trends

  • Provides visual dashboards to help teachers & administrators identify trends at the student & school system-level via real-time dashboards & reporting
  • Detect early warning signs & take the best approach for each student in your school system
  • focus on specific behaviors needs to improve or reward student behavior

Positive Behavior
Intervention Supports

  • Leverages comprehensive data to improve behavioral & academic outcomes
  • Enables critical data mining for custom intervention planning & effectiveness
  • Geared toward providing an environment conductive to positive Behavioral Intervention Supports(PBIS)
  • Student, course & teacher application tracking

Secure & Accessible Via Your
System Network

  • Syncs information from Chalkable Inow
  • Automates the office disciplinary referral(ODR) & school incident report(SIR) workflow processes
  • Increases transparency, communication & understanding between teachers & administration
  • Ensures greater data integrity & standardized behavioral tracking

Tailored To Fit Every School
System & Staff

  • Maps to your code of conduct or behavioral learning guide in digital form
  • Quick & easy positive & negative behavioral logging
  • Custom, ad hoc report generation
  • Training for teachers & principals
  • Scalable continuous Support contracts


Q: Can I access this application at home?

A: No. To protect student information & to abide by FERPA requirements, access is only granted to certified personnel &administrators who have an educational reason to have acces to student data at a school system. The application is only accessible through the school system network.

Q: Can I access the app on the Aplle App Store or Google Play?

A: No. BLOOM is not an app. BLOOM is a web-based application that resides on your scholl system's servers & cannot be purchased on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Q: What if I do not see a respnse to a behavior in the pre-populated list? Can I add it?

A: No. Behaviors & responses to behaviors are based on your school system's Code of Conduct to reduce errors & to provide for metric data integrity & continuity.

Q: Will teachers at other schools have access to behavior records of students at my school?

A: Teacher access is based on course schedules & asociates within Student Information Systems & limited based on that relationship.

Q: How will my administrator know if i have referred a student to him/her?

A: All referrals appear on designated school administrators' login page & remain visible until they are responded to.

Q: What if I make a mistake upon entering a behavior?

A: BLOOM provides serveral user checkpoints & flags to provide the user adequate opportunities to make corrections before submitting a behavior report. In the event of an error, behavioral reports can be amended through the designated school BLOOM administrator.



  • Web server -- Windows 7 or Windows 10 with IIS(Internet Information Server).IIS is the web server software that is part of Windows.
  • Database server -- SQL server
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